Jie Fu Cheng Battery Co., Ltd
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Li-ion battery 301819 3.7V 60mAh
471215 3.7V 70mAh Li-ion polymer batteries
CR1/3N Lithium manganese Sportdog battery 3V 170mAh
502030 3.7V 250mAh GB31241 polymer battery
1.5V 3700mAh 34615 D Li-ion Battery
643333 Lithium polymer batteries 3.7V 560mAh
2CR1/3N Lithium manganese battery 6V 170mAh
CR2 3.0V 1000mAh Lithium manganese battery
Li-ion battery 302223 3.7V 100mAh battery
CR14250 CR1/2AA Lithium manganese dioxide battery 3V 800mAh
432830 3.8V 400mAh Lithium polymer battery
Laser sight battery CR123A 3.0V 1600mAh
724568 3.7V 2500mAh Li-ion battery
CR-P2 battery 6V 1500mAh 2CR5 lithium manganese
2CR5 lithium manganese battery 6V 1700mAh
Jie Fu Cheng Battery Co., Ltd
Longgang district of shenzhen city, guangdong province Nan Lian peng da road 123
JACK (manager)
Feature Products
2CR1/3N Lithium manganese battery 6V 170mAh
2CR5 lithium manganese battery 6V 1700mAh
502030 3.7V 250mAh GB31241 polymer battery
Li-ion battery 301819 3.7V 60mAh
CR-P2 battery 6V 1500mAh 2CR5 lithium manganese
471215 3.7V 70mAh Li-ion polymer batteries
1.5V 3700mAh 34615 D Li-ion Battery
Laser sight battery CR123A 3.0V 1600mAh
Li-ion battery 302223 3.7V 100mAh battery
CR1/3N Lithium manganese Sportdog battery 3V 170mAh
CR14250 CR1/2AA Lithium manganese dioxide battery 3V 800mAh
CR2 3.0V 1000mAh Lithium manganese battery
643333 Lithium polymer batteries 3.7V 560mAh
432830 3.8V 400mAh Lithium polymer battery
724568 3.7V 2500mAh Li-ion battery
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